Annual Meeting


LASSO 2025

The LASSO Annual Meeting is distributed across the LASSO area, from Louisiana to the Pacific Coast.
The meeting includes research presentations, workshops, and opportunities for members to connect and share their knowledge.

LASSO, the Linguistic Association of the Southwest, invites abstract submissions for papers and group panels for its 54th Annual Meeting to be held at Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas on October 9-11, 2025. LASSO is a linguistics association in the United States whose purpose is the advancement of the scientific study of language. While many of our members study the languages of the southwestern United States, LASSO has an international focus; it draws its membership and includes linguistic scholarship from any language and any region in the world.

Conference website: 

For this year’s conference, we welcome papers in all areas of linguistic inquiry, including but not limited to language attitudes and ideologies, linguistic landscape, indigenous, heritage, and world language education, language policy and planning, language variation and change, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, etc. The theme for this year is Borderless Language. As such, we especially encourage papers addressing language and social justice, critical pedagogies, language in healthcare, language maintenance and revitalization, and sociolinguistics. This year’s Keynote Speaker is Rena Torres Cacoullos (Penn State University).

Submissions by junior faculty and graduate students are especially welcome. Graduate students who present their work at the conference are eligible for the Helmut Esau Prize, which includes a $400 award.

LASSO 2025

Keynote Speaker:

  • Rena Torres Cacoullos, Penn State University

Presidential Address:

  • Mark Waltermire, New Mexico State University

Presentation Format:

Presentation time for papers will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts may be in English or Spanish. Presentations should be given in the same language as the abstract.
Only one abstract as a single author and a second as a co-author will be accepted from any one individual.
Proposals for complete panels with multiple speakers must fit within the 90 minutes time frame of the conference presentations.

Call for Papers:


lasso 2025



Conference Dates:

  • October 9th to 11th, 2025


  • Wichita State University

Conference Website:

Submission Deadline for panels:

  • May 30th, 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline:

  • May 30th, 2025

An individual must be a current LASSO and be listed in the conference program member in order to present a paper. You may pay your dues online at: or fill out a membership form available at: at the same time you register for the conference online. Membership includes a subscription to the International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest

High School educators who wish to attend, and not present a paper, only need to pay the reduced conference dues, i.e. $35.



Helmut Esau Prize
for Graduate Students


This award is named in honor of Professor Helmut Esau, who died in an automobile accident shortly after he was elected to the LASSO presidency.

Recipients of this prestigious prize receive a $400 cash award.

In order to be considered for this unique opportunity, students must first present at the Annual Meeting and then submit a revised, polished version of their paper.