The International Journal of the Linguistic
Association of the Southwest (IJLASSO)
The International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (ISSN 0737-4143) is published semiannually in June and December by the Linguistic Association of the Southwest. Volumes 1-5 were published as The Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest. Volumes 6-30 were published as the Southwest Journal of Linguistics. Volumes 36-41 do not exist due to a delay in publications. Starting with Volume 42, the journal is changing to an open access online format. For back issues you can contact the Editor.
Aims & Scope
The journal publishes papers across a broad range of topics in linguistics, though research papers dealing with the languages of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are especially encouraged. The journal also publishes scholarly reviews of the literature, book reviews, and occasional commentary on topics of concern to the journal’s readership. Proposals for thematic issues and nominations for guest editors are invited.
Editorial Board
Policies and General Submission Rules
All manuscripts and inquiries should be directed to the Executive Editor:
Antonio Medina-Rivera, Executive Editor
The International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
Department of Modern Languages
Cleveland State University
Note: Authors need not be members of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO) to submit their work for review, but authors of papers selected for publication must be LASSO members.
Information for Subscribers
Subscription to the International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest is a privilege of LASSO membership. Dues for individual memberships in the association are US$75.00. Student memberships are US$30.00 per calendar year, with proof of student status. Institutional memberships are US$85.00 per calendar year. Life memberships are US$600. The annual postage surcharge for non-U.S. addressees is US$15.00.
To become a member of the association, visit LASSO Membership webpage.
Inquiries concerning membership and subscription should be sent to the treasurer:
Patricia Gubitosi, Treasurer
Spanish and Portuguese Studies
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Student/Retired/ Unemployed
Includes overseas postage for IJLASSO
Lifetime membership
- You may also fill out out a membership_renewal_form and forward it to LASSO’s treasurer following the instructions on the form.
International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (IJLASSO), formerly the Southwest Journal of Linguistics and The Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest, Editors
2022-present Antonio Medina-Rivera, Executive Editor, Cleveland State University
2013-2021 Joint Editors: Jill Brody and Jeremy King, Louisiana State University
2005-2013 Joint Editors: Pamela Anderson-Mejías and Hugo A. Mejías, University of Texas Pan American
1999 Jon Jonz, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Associate Editors: Brian Imhoff, Texas A&M University-College Station, Daniel Villa, New Mexico State University and Kirk Widdison, Illinois State University
Reviews Editors: Lynne Murphy, Baylor University, and Eduardo Faingold, University of Tulsa
1997-1998 Jon Jonz, Texas A&M University-Commerce
Associate Editors: Brian Imhoff, Texas A&M University-College Station, and Kirk Widdison, Illinois State University
Reviews Editor: Mary Jane Hurst, Texas Tech University
1995-1996 Eduardo Hernandez Chavez, University of New Mexico
Guest Editor: Garland Bills, University of New Mexico
Associate Editor: Jon Jonz, Texas A&M University-Commerce
1994 Eduardo Hernandez Chavez, University of New Mexico
Guest Editor: Eduardo Faingold, University of Tulsa
Associate Editor: Jon Jonz, Texas A&M University-Commerce
1993 Eduardo Hernandez-Chavez, University of New Mexico
Guest Editor: Daniel Villa, New Mexico State University
Associate Editor: Jon Jonz, Texas A&M University-Commerce
1988-1992 Heather Hardy, University of North Texas
1983-1987 Jon Amastae, University of Texas-El Paso
1975-1982 John Bordie, University of Texas-Austin